anchor position, anchor post, anchor support, anchorage pier, deadman, holdfast, strain tower, tension post
trụ neo
batter wall, bearing wall, breast abutment, breast wall, buttress stem, buttressed wall, counterflort, counterfort, deadman, heel, heel post, springing, supporting diaphragm, supporting wall
tường chống
Một khối nhô ra khỏi bề mặt của một cấu trúc giống như một bức tường chắn dựng trên bề mặt của bệ, trụ.
A cantilevered weight in the form of a pier built on the side of a material, such as a retaining wall, that is to be retained.
anchor,A means by which something is held firmly in place,specific uses include a piling or block that serves as the base of a guy wire or similar support for holding building structures in place.., deadman /điện/
cái neo
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