quarrying /ENERGY-MINING/
[DE] Abbau; Gewinnung im Steinbruch
[EN] quarrying
[FR] abattage en carrière
waste resulting from exploration,mining,dressing and further treatment of minerals and quarrying,wastes resulting from exploration,quarrying,and physical and chemical treatment of minerals /ENERGY-MINING/
[DE] Abfälle aus der Exploration, der Gewinnung und der Nach-BZW.Weiterarbeitung von Mineralien sowie Steinen und Erden
[EN] waste resulting from exploration, mining, dressing and further treatment of minerals and quarrying; wastes resulting from exploration, mining, quarrying, and physical and chemical treatment of minerals
[FR] déchets provenant de l' exploration et de l' exploitation des mines, et des carrières, et de la préparation et du traitement ultérieur des minerais