axis of channel,axis of stream,stream axis /SCIENCE/
[DE] Achslinie des Flusses; Flussachse; Gerinneachse; Stromachse; Strommitte
[EN] axis of channel; axis of stream; stream axis
[FR] axe du cours d' eau
axis of channel,axis of stream,stream axis /SCIENCE/
[DE] Achslinie des Flusses; Flussachse; Gerinneachse; Stromachse; Strommitte
[EN] axis of channel; axis of stream; stream axis
[FR] ligne axiale du fleuve
axis of the channel,centre line of channel /TECH,BUILDING/
[DE] Achse der Fahrrinne
[EN] axis of the channel; centre line of channel
[FR] axe du chenal
axis of the channel,centre line of channel
[DE] Achse der Fahrrinne
[EN] axis of the channel; centre line of channel
[FR] axe du chenal