butt joint /TECH/
[DE] stossverbindung
[EN] butt joint
[FR] joint en bout
butt joint /TECH/
[DE] Stoßverbindung
[EN] butt joint
[FR] jonction bout à bout
butt joint /INDUSTRY-METAL/
[DE] Stossnaht; Stumpfstoss
[EN] butt joint
[FR] assemblage bout à bout
[DE] Stumpfstoss
[EN] butt joint
[FR] assemblage bout à bout
[DE] Stumpfverbindung
[EN] butt joint
[FR] joint bout à bout; joint plat
butt joint,splice /INDUSTRY-METAL/
[DE] Stoss; Stumpfstoss
[EN] butt joint; splice
[FR] assemblage bout-à-bout; raboutage
butt joint,contact joint /ENG-ELECTRICAL/
[DE] Kontaktverbindung
[EN] butt joint; contact joint
[FR] raccord lisse; raccord à contact
butt joint,end to end /INDUSTRY-METAL/
[DE] Stoßverbindung; Stumpfverbindung
[EN] butt joint; end to end
[FR] bout a bout