A means of gene transmission between any coliform bacterial strain that carries an F factor (carried either on the bacterial chromosome or extrachro- mosomally) and another strain that lacks the F factor. During conjugation, neighboring bacteria come into direct contact with one another and transfer DNA from one (the donor) to another (the recipient) by means of a mating tube formed at the point of contact. Because the genes from the donor are always transferred in a given order, conjugation has been used to map genes on the bacterial genome by observing which genes are transferred to recipients following controlled interruption of the mating process. See HFR strain.
A means of gene transmission between bacteria by cell-to-cell contact or bacterial mating.
The covalent attachment of a molecular group to a molecule for the purpose of enhancing or altering its function. The attachment of fl uorescent or chromogenic groups to antibodies or nucleic acids to create probes is an example of conjugation.