bank protection
[DE] Uferbefestigung
[EN] bank protection
[FR] défense de rive
bank protection,streambank protection
[DE] Deckwerk; Uferschutz
[EN] bank protection; streambank protection
[FR] protection des berges
bank protection,streambank protection
[DE] Uferbefestigung; Uferschutz; Ufersicherung; Uferverbauung
[EN] bank protection; streambank protection
[FR] protection de berge; protection de rive; stabilisation de berge; stabilisation de rive
bank protection,streambank protection /IT-TECH,BUILDING/
[DE] Deckwerk; Uferschutz
[EN] bank protection; streambank protection
[FR] protection des berges
bank protection,streambank protection /BUILDING/
[DE] Uferbefestigung; Uferschutz; Ufersicherung; Uferverbauung
[EN] bank protection; streambank protection
[FR] protection de berge; protection de rive; stabilisation de berge; stabilisation de rive
bank protection,strenghtening of the banks
[DE] Uferbefestigung; Ufersicherung
[EN] bank protection; strenghtening of the banks
[FR] protection des rives; renforcement des rives ( consolidation des rives )
bank protection,bank protection works,streambank protection works /SCIENCE,BUILDING/
[DE] Uferbefestigung; Uferschutz; Uferschutzwerk; Ufersicherung; Uferverbauung
[EN] bank protection; bank protection works; streambank protection works
[FR] ouvrage de protection des berges; ouvrage de protection des rives; ouvrage de stabilisation des berges; ouvrage de stabilisation des rives; protection de berge; protection de rive
bank protection,bank protection works,streambank protection works
[DE] Uferbefestigung; Uferschutz; Uferschutzwerk; Ufersicherung; Uferverbauung
[EN] bank protection; bank protection works; streambank protection works
[FR] ouvrage de protection des berges; ouvrage de protection des rives; ouvrage de stabilisation des berges; ouvrage de stabilisation des rives; protection de berge; protection de rive