rotation /IT-TECH/
[DE] Drehen; Drehung; Rotation
[EN] rotation
[FR] rotation
[DE] rotieren
[EN] rotate
[FR] rotation
rotation,rotation propre /SCIENCE/
[DE] Drall
[EN] spin
[FR] rotation; rotation propre
rotation,rotation des cultures,succession culturale /AGRI/
[DE] Fruchtwechsel
[EN] alternation of crops; crop rotation; rotation
[FR] rotation; rotation des cultures; succession culturale
passage,période de retournement,retournement,rotation /SCIENCE/
[DE] Umtrieb
[EN] turnover
[FR] passage; période de retournement; retournement; rotation
angle de rotation,rotation /ENG-MECHANICAL/
[DE] Drehbereich; Schwenkbereich
[EN] angle of slew
[FR] angle de rotation; rotation