surface de contact /INDUSTRY-METAL/
[DE] Stossflaeche
[EN] faying surface
[FR] surface de contact
surface de contact /ENG-ELECTRICAL/
[DE] Kontaktfläche
[EN] contact; contact area
[FR] surface de contact
surface de contact,surface de rabouttage /INDUSTRY-METAL,ENG-ELECTRICAL/
[DE] Stirnfläche
[EN] electrode face
[FR] surface de contact; surface de rabouttage
aire de contact,surface d'appui,surface de contact,surface portante /ENG-MECHANICAL/
[DE] Auflagefläche; Aufstandsfläche; Berührungsfläche; Kontaktdeckel; Reibungsfläche
[EN] area of contact; bearing surface; contact face; contact point; contact surface; ground contact; surface of contact
[FR] aire de contact; surface d' appui; surface de contact; surface portante