storage capacity /IT-TECH,RESEARCH/
[DE] Speicherkapazität
[EN] storage capacity
[FR] capacité de mémoire; capacité de mémorisation; capacité-mémoire
storage capacity /ENG-ELECTRICAL/
[DE] Speicherungskapazität
[EN] storage capacity
[FR] capacité de stockage
capacity,storage capacity /IT-TECH,TECH/
[DE] Speichergröße; Speicherkapazität
[EN] capacity; storage capacity
[FR] capacité; capacité de mémoire
core size,memory size,storage capacity /IT-TECH,TECH,INDUSTRY/
[DE] Speicherkapazität
[EN] core size; memory size; storage capacity
[FR] capacité de mémoire
gross capacity of reservoir,gross storage,reservoir capacity,storage capacity
[DE] Gesamtstauraum
[EN] gross capacity of reservoir; gross storage; reservoir capacity; storage capacity
[FR] capacité totale de la retenue; volume de la retenue