stocking /SCIENCE/
[DE] Aufstockung
[EN] stocking
[FR] repeuplement
stocking /TECH/
[DE] Schlussgrad
[EN] stocking
[FR] proportion de surface occupée
stocking /FISCHERIES/
[DE] Besatzmaßnahme
[EN] stocking
[FR] mise en charge
re-introducing,repopulation,restocking,stocking /SCIENCE/
[DE] Aufstockung; Bestandsauffüllung; Wiederansiedlung; Wiederaussetzung
[EN] re-introducing; repopulation; restocking; stocking
[FR] repeuplement; réintroduction
accumulation,aggrégation,congestion,stocking,storing /ENERGY-OIL/
[DE] Akkumulation; Anfall; Anhaeufung; Ansammeln; Ansammlung; Aufspeicherung; Haeufung; Speicherung
[EN] accumulation; aggrégation; congestion; stocking; storing
[FR] accumulation; emmagasinage; stockage
density,intensity of grazing,stand,stocking,stocking density,stocking rate /AGRI/
[DE] Besatzdichte; Bestand; Bestandsdichte
[EN] density; intensity of grazing; stand; stocking; stocking density; stocking rate
[FR] charge moyenne de pâturage; densité du pâturage