inclinaison,pendage,plongée /SCIENCE,ENERGY-MINING/
[DE] Einfallen; Fallen; Inklination; Neigung; Neigungswinkel
[EN] dip; inclination; pitch; plunge; rake; strike
[FR] inclinaison; pendage; plongée
mise en position radiale,plongée /ENG-MECHANICAL/
[DE] Beistellung; Zustellung
[EN] infeed
[FR] mise en position radiale; plongée
avance de plongée,avance perpendiculaire,descente,plongée /ENG-MECHANICAL/
[DE] Tiefenvorschub
[EN] down feed; feed motion directed to the interior; feed motion towards the interior; feed movement directed to the interior; feed movement towards the interior; in-feed; infeed
[FR] avance de plongée; avance perpendiculaire; descente; plongée